We Help all people

Around The world

Healthy life and social welfare for all, with dignity and respect and without any type of discrimination.


Volunteers In 2023


People We Helped In 2023

0 M

Funds We Collected

Help The Poors With Helping Era Foundation Organization

We Are World WIde Organization

The world is a place filled with both misery and joy. Unfortunately, in present times it seems that joy is a luxury not many can afford. We as a person have a choice to overlook people in distress and walk away but at the same time we also have a choice to lend them a helping hand.

Organization Causes

Protect and enhance poverty.

Mission is Give for People

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

Healthy life and social welfare for all, with dignity and respect and without any type of discrimination.

We’re worldwide non-profit charity.

Give A Helping Hand For Needy People


Medical Facilities

To strengthen cooperation with Social Welfare Department, UP and promote welfare schemes already in place by the government. To establish, promote, assist, encourage, run and manage hospitals, orphanage, hostel, old age homes etc.To promote free learning centers for informal education programs such as adult education, farming, computers and electronic etc.

Training program

Organizing free vocational training classes such as sewing, embroidery, sculpting, music, doll making, pottery, wall painting and beautician etc. for women and girls to make them self reliant. To strive for the betterment of the widows, handicaps, old people, craftsmen in rural and urban areas


To build boarding schools, degree colleges and computer centers which will give free education and food for the kids who are physically handicapped, destitute or underprivileged.


To give scholarship to meritorious students, provide books and necessary guidance. Organizing free learning and welfare drives such as cultural seminars, yoga camps, debates, social awareness programs, blood donation camps, Polio vaccination camps etc.